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You searched person for Howard Aplin.
- 2006
- Trivial Pursuits
[Advertising] - 2005
- Run For Your Wife
[Advertising] - 2002
- The Lady's not for Burning
[Box Office] - 2001
- Season's Greetings
[Programme] - 2001
- The Lion in Winter
[Business Managers] - 2000
- Jack and the Beanstalk
[Tickets & Box Office] - 2000
- Jack and the Beanstalk
[Programme] - 1996
- My Fair Lady
[Business Manager] - 1993
- Cold Comfort Farm
[Business Manager] - 1992
- Oliver!
[Refreshments] - 1992
- Supper
[Assistant Chefs] - 1991
- Voyage round my Father
[Front of House] - 1990
- Waltz of the Toreadors
[Front of House] - 1990
- A Man for All Seasons
[Refreshments] - 1986
- Aladdin
[Front of House] - 1985
- Waters of the Moon
[Music] - 1985
- Waters of the Moon
[Front of House] - 1985
- Lock Up Your Daughters
[Front of House] - 1984
- Cinderella
[Front of House] - 1983
- The Sleeping Prince
[Front of House] - 1983
- Night of the Iguana
[Front of House] - 1982
- Under Milk Wood
[Front of house] - 1981
- Wild Goose Chase
[Bar] - 1980
- Dear Octopus
[Bar] - 1978
- Ring Round the Moon