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You searched person for Robert Pardoe.
- 2013
- Out of Order
[Richard Willey MP] - 2008
- Audience with Murder
[Stage Manager] - 2008
- Midsummer Night's Dream
[Theseus (Duke of Athens)] - 2003
- Beyond Reasonable Doubt
[Sir David Metcalfe] - 2003
- The Importance of Being Earnest
[Algernon Moncrief] - 2002
- The Lady's not for Burning
[Thomas Mendip - ex soldier] - 2002
- Twelfth Night
[Orsino] - 2001
- Season's Greetings
[Neville] - 2001
- The Lion in Winter
[Geoffrey] - 2000
- The Admirable Crichton
[The Hon Ernest Wooley]