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You searched person for Margaret Green.
- 1974
- The Full Treatment
- 1971
- A Murder has been Arranged
- 1971
- Actomania
- 1970
- Bright Society
- 1968
- Bonaventure
- 1968
- Goodnight Mrs Puffin
- 1967
- Quiet Wedding
- 1967
- Mrs Methuselah
- 1967
- Members of the Jury
- 1979
- Music Hall Evening
[Swells] - 1979
- Music Hall Evening
[Parlour Song] - 1975
- Bold Lover
[Lady Lowesby] - 1971
- Actomania
['Bright Society' by Cherry Vooght] - 1971
- Actomania
[Original Material by] - 1971
- Actomania
[Nursery Rhymes] - 1971
- Actomania
[Time for the Tyme] - 1970
- Intent to Murder
[Mrs Bunting] - 1970
- Bright Society
[] - 1968
- Bonaventure
[Sister Josephine]