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You searched person for June Cross.
- 2010
- The Cemetery Club
- 2007
- The Bet
- 2011
- Turn Again Whittington
[Costumes] - 2011
- Turn Again Whittington
[Pearly Queen] - 2010
- Clochemerle
[Tine Fadet] - 2010
- Clochemerle
[Constume Assistants] - 2010
- Clochemerle
[Hair ] - 2009
- Curtains
[Ida (aged 86)] - 2007
- Shakespeare Review
[Coffees] - 2007
- Who Killed George Hargrave?
[Martha Foxhall (housekeeper)] - 2006
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
[Box Office]