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You searched person for Jane Endicott.
- 1983
- The Sleeping Prince
- 1986
- Spring & Port Wine
[Betsy Jane] - 1985
- Waters of the Moon
[Properties] - 1985
- Lock Up Your Daughters
[Bar] - 1984
- Cinderella
[Prince Charming] - 1984
- Arms and the Man
[Catherine Petkoff] - 1983
- Night of the Iguana
[Maxine Faulk] - 1983
- Fools May Not Speak
[Rosalind] - 1982
- Under Milk Wood
[ASM] - 1982
- Hay Fever
[Sorel Bliss] - 1982
- Scrooge
[Props] - 1981
- Lord Arthur Savile's Crime
[Sybil Merton - his fiancee] - 1981
- Wild Goose Chase
[Patricia] - 1980
- Mixed Doubles
[] - 1980
- The Boy with a Cart
[Cuthman's Mother] - 1979
- No Time for Figleaves
[Monica Sharpe] - 1979
- Habeas Corpus
[Constance Wicksteed]