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You searched person for Angela Croome.
- 2021
- Mother Figure
[Prompt] - 2011
- Turn Again Whittington
[Prompt] - 2010
- The Cemetery Club
[Doris] - 2005
- The Cherry Orchard
[Continuity] - 2004
- The House of Bernarda Alba
[Women Mourners] - 2002
- We Need a Man
[Beryl] - 2001
- Season's Greetings
[Phyllis] - 2000
- The Admirable Crichton
[Continuity] - 2000
- The Admirable Crichton
[Mrs Perkins] - 1999
- The Farmer's Wife
[Araminta Dench] - 1991
- Voyage round my Father
[Mrs Reigate,Miss Baker,Doris] - 1988
- James & the Giant Peach
[Spider] - 1988
- When we are Married
[Mrs Northrop]