
Written by Moliere
Adapted by Pat Stimson
Directed for Actonians by Bob Allen


A tale of an impostor and his effect on the Organ household - a story of many twists and deceits that is not just black and white. The two act play will have one interval and is preceded by a short mime play as was normal at that time.


Organ Mike Schofield
Elmire (his 2nd wife) Lin Bowden
Damis (his son by his 1st wife) Nick Pearce
Mariane (his daughter by his 1st wife)
Madame Pernelle (his mother) Jenny McDowell
Cleante (Organ's brother in law)
Valere (Mariane's suitor)
Dorine (head maid) Debby Ashton
Flipote (Madame Pernelle's maid)
Tartuffe (a hypocrite) Stewart White
Mr Loyal (a bailiff)
Officer of the Royal Court
Additional servants